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Wireless Keyboard Adapter


Staff member
I have been using the Microsoft Wireless Keyboard Adapter for the Surface for two weeks. I consider this an essential accessory because:

- Quick flawless response.
- Same magnet design as keyboard reduces complication
- Battery life is long. Still on the charge I had last year.
- Fast charging.
- No more hunching my back over. I can push the screen away from the keyboard and sit relaxed.
- My knuckles are no longer right up against the screen.
- Fits in any case, since it is a slender keyhole shape with no clumsy appendages or sticky-outies.


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I have been using the Microsoft Wireless Keyboard Adapter for the Surface for two weeks. I consider this an essential accessory because:
- Battery life is long. Still on the charge I had last year.
- Fast charging.
You've been using it for 2 weeks on a charge from 2013..? Not likely. Fast-charging...? Hardly. Long-battery life...? Do you even really have one?

I have one, it's great -- I use it often. It gets 6-8 hours of continuous use, and steadily discharges even when not in use. This is due to the fact that though it's priced as if it has a lithium ion battery cell, it actually contains an antiquated battery technology, NiMH. NiMH doesn't do standby well -- nowhere near lithium ion. Doesn't charge very fast either. Takes 4-5 hours to charge from a fully discharged state. It is cheaper than lithium ion by quite a lot, so it costs Microsoft much less to make them, and then sell them at a price that suggests top-shelf battery tech :-(

I do like it, just pointing out some incorrect info. What I might be willing to overlook, another potential purchaser might not. My only complaint is the use of a NiMH battery instead of lithium ion...
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Is it possible that OP has received an updated version with lithium-ion battery?
Not unless the Tooth Fairy put it under his pillow while he was sleeping ;-)

The specs haven't changed, but after the 4200-to-4300 processor bump in the SP2, never-say-never. According to him, he purchased it last year, so definitely not.

FYI -- the battery type is on the packaging, in very tiny print. Most buyers wouldn't even notice it. No surprisingly, Microsoft opted not to state they use NiMH battery tech on the product web page... would you? :-(

They require fairly regular maintenance. NiMH batteries lose power when sitting idle, 1% or more per day. To keep them operating near their peak, standard NiMH batteries need to be recharged (and preferably used) every 1 to 2 months.

They grow less predictable as they age. Late in their life cycle, NiMH batteries hold charges for shorter periods. Tip: If you own many NiMH batteries, avoid mixing older and newer cells—keep them grouped.
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It's a little confusing how long it has been without being charged by the OP since he states that he has been using it for 2 weeks but then that it is on the charge from last year ( 5.5 weeks minimum). Now if he has only had it 2 weeks and only uses it 15-20 minutes a day then I can buy that.

But I'm with you since these (especially the Surface Pros) are higher end tablets, Microsoft should have produced the higher quality wireless adapter here and not one that will need charging on a daily basis, especially a 4-5 hour charge!
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...it's a little confusing how long it has been without being charged by the OP since he states that he has been using it for 2 weeks...
NiMH batteries lose about 1% of their charge per day sitting idle. In this case, 1% of a 6-8 hours of continuous use charge. That being the case, it isn't possible to have purchased a Microsoft Wireless Keyboard Adapter last year, not use it for 2+ months, and then have used it for 2 weeks. It would've been completely discharged when taken out of the packaging.

The original post is a bit odd -- most people who post 'look-what-I-got' stuff use pictures of it on their desk, dining table, kitchen counter, etc -- this person posted pictures that were cut 'n paste from a product page, a couple of them renderings, not actual photos. No idea what would motivate someone to post a make-believe 'look-what-I-bought-last-year-but-just-started-using' entry, but, whatever ;-)
Some angry birds hanging on the wires around here.

I use my Wireless Keyboard Adapter only when I need to have my keyboard separated from my Surface to demonstrate some of my work to others. So I use it for about 10 minutes at a time. I've used it since just before Christmas, and haven't charged it yet.

I am a heavy user of PCs and Macs. And with my SP2 are, keyboards, ND-100 GPS, SIIG Ethernet Adapter, docking stations (Targus and MS), three mice, three-port mini USB 3.0 hub, car adapter, and other stuff, Wireless Keyboard Adapter, and chargers. Great for the International travel I do. My SP2 rocks as much as the kitchen island granite it sits on.

All this loose stuff fits in the plastic freezer bag shown on the left. Keeps things a little better organized in my carry bag, with no loose parts to fall out or get lost.

Typed this response with that still unplugged Wireless Keyboard Adapter.


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Can I just ask how much you paid for the Wireless adapter? It's (extremely annoyingly) not available in the UK and places like eBay/Amazon are charging well over $100, plus UK tax.
Hi, daniielrp,

I got mine from BestBuy.com for $89.99 It was not available from the Microsoft Store, or Amazon. I was surprised to get the shipment from BestBuy in only 2 days.
I wish they had this in store, I'm the type of person who is hands on kinda guy and would like to look at it in hands because I would like to see how heavy it is and how big it is ect etc... not having this in store is stupid.
I wish they had this in store, I'm the type of person who is hands on kinda guy and would like to look at it in hands because I would like to see how heavy it is and how big it is ect etc...

The photo I posted above shows how the adapter's cylinder diameter is smaller than the width of a keyboard key. It is also very lightweight. Does not drag you down. Weighs about the same as two (electronic) mice.
I agree. A better version, 2.0, would be needed. I returned mine even though I loved it, because I type at length and like most people expect up to date tech. I was wondering why it was so poor a charge, now I know. Too sad, really, but I hope for a sequel. :) Till then, I'm enjoying my Type Cover attached and my Logitech K810 keyboard and T630 mouse (with multiple bluetooth connections!)

You've been using it for 2 weeks on a charge from 2013..? Not likely. Fast-charging...? Hardly. Long-battery life...? Do you even really have one?

I have one, it's great -- I use it often. It gets 6-8 hours of continuous use, and steadily discharges even when not in use. This is due to the fact that though it's priced as if it has a lithium ion battery cell, it actually contains an antiquated battery technology, NiMH. NiMH doesn't do standby well -- nowhere near lithium ion. Doesn't charge very fast either. Takes 4-5 hours to charge from a fully discharged state. It is cheaper than lithium ion by quite a lot, so it costs Microsoft much less to make them, and then sell them at a price that suggests top-shelf battery tech :-(

I do like it, just pointing out some incorrect info. What I might be willing to overlook, another potential purchaser might not. My only complaint is the use of a NiMH battery instead of lithium ion...