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After TH2 Update: Battery drain /battery life in sleep mode much worse than before

I recognize the same: The tablet does not get warm anymore and the heater turns on almost never. Before when I played a game etc. the fan turned on after a few minutes and was quite loud. Not the case anymore... Interesting...
When my surface pro 4 goes into sleep, and i lay my ear on the edge of my screen, i can hear a static high freq sound... This suggests maybe that he is doing still processes during this sleep?
I have read a couple things on here that have contradicted each other. A lot of you guys have hibernate turned off completely. For those of you only using sleep and not hibernate at all, are you getting better battery life or not? I disabled it this morning and I can't tell the difference...though I am enjoying it waking up a heck of a lot faster, that's for sure!

But that's a side note. Here's the real question: We had a new video card driver update today! YEA! Have any of you guys noticed any improvement in sleep or hibernate batter life with this new update? Please let us know. Though I have no problem generating the sleep studies etc, but I'm not really a math guy (masters in counseling) and have a bit of trouble making any sense of them. So anyway, see any improvement? And as to the first question, is there a consensus on sleep versus hibernate? Thanks! You guys are awesome!
I studied the new driver today. It is the beta driver intel just released, by the way. Maybe battery got slightly better. Sleep mode now eats 3,5% /hour. Still too much, I think.

I also recognized that the video driver still does not work properly. Check that: Watch a video in full screen on youtube or netflix. Then swipe in the action center from the right. The picture underneath the transparent action center freezes.

I have a SP3 here es well. Everything works perfect there. The action center behaves like glass and you can watch the video through it.

I think the SP4 should work better than the SP3 not worse... ?
Was that on sleep only or sleep+hibernate? I was getting 5% ish on sleep per hour most of yesterday afternoon before the update and without hibernate.
Was that on sleep only or sleep+hibernate? I was getting 5% ish on sleep per hour most of yesterday afternoon before the update and without hibernate.

I get the same with the update, around 1700 mW per hour (+4%). If I use the display driver from September, I get about 550 mW drain per hour. So this update doesn't help with the drain during sleep.
I turned off my sp4 last night.
Today when i tried to turn it on, the battery was 0 percent.
When i pressed power button, nothing appear,even Low buttery logo...
The battery was ZERO!
This Gadjet is my worst experience untill now...
Sorry for bad english.

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