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do you prefer windows 10

This is simply one camps opinion though. To me it is that they have finally taken tablet mode seriously and finally made a useable device.

You must be joking. Windows 10 was geared to desktops and not tablets. Obviusly tablets didn't help Microsoft as they thought it would. I am not sure what they expected when 99% of the Windows tablets are junk.
You must be joking. Windows 10 was geared to desktops and not tablets. Obviusly tablets didn't help Microsoft as they thought it would. I am not sure what they expected when 99% of the Windows tablets are junk.

No. I am completely serious. I and many others love win 10 for tablets. Yes, it is geared towards desktop but in my and others opinion tablet mode is still far superior to 8.1. My poi t is that there are camps who I love it and those that dont. Microsoft cannot simply take one piece of feedback and change something, because they will most likely also ha e received feedback from someone say I g it is great. Microsoft cannot please everyone, and as it stands, Windows 8 was a flop and they are trying to take a new route based on the consumer feedback they got, which was largely that most people thought win 8 and 8.1 were rubbish.

It's the way the world works. You cannot please everyone.
So much for keeping it civil eh.. expected no less really.

I and others like Windows 10 more than 8.1. Why can't you accepted that without trying to get personal? You like 8, I like 10. But you're right and I'm just drinking look aid.. mature.

I'm out.
Id like for anyone to make a rational reasoned case for W10 Tablet Mode. Perhaps I missed it, AFAIK no one has done it, not here, not in any blog or technical publication. Share with us the features that make it a compelling experience so us dolts that just don't get it can learn something and be convinced by reasoning and logic not bullying that we are missing the salient redeeming qualities.

Comments like: I like it and other people like it so just get used to it, get over it, etc. etc. don't move the conversation forward and are disrespectful. They can be summed up by...

Windows 8.1 Tablet experience isn't perfect but it is what it is and it's not going to change so there's no reason or point to make negative arguments against it as that wont move the conversation forward either.

From this point forward anyone that has an enlightened viewpoint to share, tips, reasons it's compelling then let them speak now... otherwise don't. Let this be the start of the strong body of evidence for Windows 10 Tablet Mode. Id suggest you limit to only positive Windows 10 Tablet Mode experiences, compelling features, tips, epiphanies of usage, anything that would present a case for Windows 10 Tablet Mode in a reasoned convincing manner.

I stand ready to be convinced.
You don't need to be convinced. It's up to the users. The people I know who recently got SP3s don't know the difference. Few were ever on 8.1 and as far as I can tell they are just fine with tablet mode in Windows 10. It seems it can only improve.
Id like for anyone to make a rational reasoned case for W10 Tablet Mode. Perhaps I missed it, AFAIK no one has done it, not here, not in any blog or technical publication. Share with us the features that make it a compelling experience so us dolts that just don't get it can learn something and be convinced by reasoning and logic not bullying that we are missing the salient redeeming qualities.

Comments like: I like it and other people like it so just get used to it, get over it, etc. etc. don't move the conversation forward and are disrespectful. They can be summed up by...
View attachment 6958

Windows 8.1 Tablet experience isn't perfect but it is what it is and it's not going to change so there's no reason or point to make negative arguments against it as that wont move the conversation forward either.

From this point forward anyone that has an enlightened viewpoint to share, tips, reasons it's compelling then let them speak now... otherwise don't. Let this be the start of the strong body of evidence for Windows 10 Tablet Mode. Id suggest you limit to only positive Windows 10 Tablet Mode experiences, compelling features, tips, epiphanies of usage, anything that would present a case for Windows 10 Tablet Mode in a reasoned convincing manner.

I stand ready to be convinced.
You say that, but when people respond that prefer the Windows 10 implementation and the why you respond with something akin to "if I wanted Android I would go Android...."

Windows 8.x is a jarring to OS experience, Windows 10 is much more unified and as TH2 implements more controls within the WinRT 2.0 Settings it is becoming even more tablet friendly with giving the proverbial middle finger to the vast majority of Windows Users....
I'm not trying to convince you. I have no problem with you preferring 8.1, and don't need to be told why. I prefer 10 and don't see why I have to convince you why, I'm not attempting to change your mind and quite honestly couldn't care less which you like. I prefer sirloin to rib eye, I dint have to justify it or convince anyone why, it's simply a personal preference.

But I dont go around posting memes or insulting members as some have a tendancy to do whenever someone said they prefer 10.

You want a reason from me though, ok, I prefer 10 to 8.1 because why does tablet mode mean MUI? Having 2 completely different OSs was just a pathetic implentation in my opinion. On 10, tablet or desktop it is still pretty much the same OS. Not a different browser depending on mouse or finger.
I stand ready to be convinced.

1) Name another major OS that is even capable of being touch-enabled
2) What functionality is present in 8.1 tablet mode that can not be replicated in 10?
3) Split-screening in 10 gives far more flexibility with window size and configuration
4) Multitasking in 10-tablet mode is faster than in 8.1; just swipe in from the left and choose your open program (among any number of desktops!)

I don't drink kool aid; it has no nutritive value.