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Something weird just happened

He was kinda snotty with me because I have "God Mode" on my desktop
Really, there's nothing God Like in God Mode; I don't see what the big deal is or even why it wouldn't be the Normal Mode. Why develop tools then hide them... what are they afraid of... that someone might find it easy to use their OS??? :)

They crippled RT and look what happened... all that work down the drain because they were afraid of what might happen, afraid of success.
He acted like it was horrific, and that just having it on my desktop was changing my registry. I don't think he realized he was talking to someone that has been working on computers for over 20 years, and knows better than to do something stupid.
Well a person can pretty throughly screw up their machine if they don't know what they are doing or don't EXACTLY FOLLOW instructions from someone who does.

But people who have " God Mode " generally ARE the kind of people who can use it without screwing up their 'puter.

He acted like it was horrific, and that just having it on my desktop was changing my registry. I don't think he realized he was talking to someone that has been working on computers for over 20 years, and knows better than to do something stupid.